Nexum Telecomunicazioni
Our mission is to connect
Expertise and Experience are our values

Nexum Telecomunicazioni
Our mission is to connect
Expertise and Experience are our values
Nexum Telecomunicazioni
Tailor-made professional solutions
Nexum Telecomunicazioni
Tailor-made professional solutions

Nexum portfolio of services
Microwave Link Installation

Telecommunication services in Oil&Gas markets

Radiocoverage projects

Line Of Sight and RF interference measurements

Broadcasting equipment installation

Electromagnetic pollution evaluation and safety at work places

Structured cabling- Networking

Our Company

Nexum Telecomunicazioni
Here at Nexum, we believe that quality Work can still be a value. Nexum was incorporated on February 2008 thanks to a long term experience in the Telecommunications achieved by its founders. Over the years, Nexum’s staff has increased, with the introduction of new professionals and with the opening of new telecommunication markets.
Read more about Nexum
Nexum srl was born
2008 February
Nexum was born starting from the three founder experience in the TLC industry. In those years Nexum has grown rapidly with the introduction of new professionals and with opening of new markets
Cesenatico Headquarters opens
2009 December
The Rimini headquarters has soon joined by the operational headquarters in Cesenatico with a large warehouse easily accessible from the A14 motorway
DVBT Switch On
Nexum installed a lot of systems on behalf of RaiWay, Mediaset and other primary Broacaster company to the switchover from analogue to digital TV
ASI Microwave links installation
 With Elber’s partnership Nexum installed, about 600 microwave links on RaiWay network in ASI technology
Supply and testing of 12Km RFS radiant cable
2016 September
Nexum supplies and tests 12Km of 1-5/8” of RFS radiating cable in the railway tunnels
Microwave links installation for mobile phone networks
2019 May
Nexum opens the ‘Mobile Operators services’ department. This department is responsible for installing microwave links and making measurements for the primary Italian operators
Artic Project
2019 September
Nexum joins the Fores team for the project Artic 2 LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas).
Our Customers

Case History
Where we are

+39 0541 381410
Via Monte Titano, 16
47923 Rimini (RN) Italy
Registered Office
Via Ottorino Respighi, 8
47403 Gatteo a Mare (FC) Italy